INSINC to Webcast LIVE the 2008 Junior Little League Canadian Championships
Friday, July 25, 2008
Burnaby, BC and Coquitlam, BC – The Coquitlam Little League and Interactive Netcasting Systems Inc. (INSINC) today announced that they will team up to deliver live broadband video coverage of the upcoming Junior League Canadian Championships featuring the six best Junior League teams in the country. The webcasts will originate from scenic Blue Mountain Park, atop a mountain in the rugged hills of Coquitlam.
Coquitlam Little League will be providing live cameras and play by play, while INSINC will encode the video and deliver all games FREE to viewers via the webpage http://www.coquitlamlittleleague.ca/2008Canadians.htm. The teams taking part in this National Championship are comprised of 13 and 14 year old boys from across Canada. Each of the teams has battled through their own district and regional tournaments in order to earn the right represent their Region at the Junior League Championships.
INSINC, a pioneer in the delivery of streaming media, is delighted to be broadcast once again from the diamond at Blue Mountain Park. The Company first webcast Little League Baseball from Blue Mountain in 2005. “For many of these boys, this will be a once in a life time experience,” explains INSINC President, Hugh Dobbie. “And not all parents, friends and family can uproot and fly to BC for a week – the webcast provides a great way to watch the games live and keep abreast of all of the action.”
“From the welcoming barbecue, to the Players Hospitality tent, the pancake breakfast, parade of champions, pizza and movie night, fireworks and balloons, Coquitlam Little League is going to make this an experience to remember,” states Tournament Director, Bruce Michael, “On August 7th, 2008, the 2008 Junior Little League Canadian Champions will be crowned and, through the webcast technology, the event can be watched live by parents and fans across Canada.”
INSINC offers an enabling platform, with proprietary software tools for broadcasting video over the Internet. INSINC is the market leader in online video delivery in Canada and is known for innovation and for the ability to deliver solutions that fully meet the needs of its customers. INSINC’s sports clients include: World Junior Hockey Championship, Ontario Hockey League, Western Hockey League, TVG Networks, British Columbia Hockey League, TSN, Hockey Canada, Canadian Soccer Association, Canadian Football League (CFL), Rogers Sportsnet, GOLTV, and TEAM 1040. INSINC also provides Internet video solutions to leading clients in business, media, entertainment and government. The website is at http://www.insinc.com.
About Coquitlam Little League
Accepted by Little League International in 1955, the Coquitlam Little League strives to provide our players and fans with quality baseball and an all around enjoyable experience at the ballpark. We are a non-profit organization which looks to improve the baseball experience through a variety of ways. These include constantly upgrading our parks and facilities and providing new uniforms and new equipment for our players to use. Based in Coquitlam, BC, the league also subsidizes the cost of registration in order to keep it affordable for players. In our 52 years of Little League Baseball in Coquitlam, the association has enjoyed considerable success on the diamond, having teams crowned the Canadian National Champions on three occasions.
For further information, please contact:
Barry Richardson, Director of Business Development
Phone: (604) 664-7727 x304
E-mail: [email protected]
Web : www.insinc.com