INSINC, also known as Interactive Netcasting Systems Inc, was a Canadian pioneering streaming company that operated from 1998 through 2009. The original team orchestrated Canada’s first commercial RealAudio broadcast in December 1995.
The team evolved out of Dowco Computer Systems, a division within the Dowco Group of Companies, that started experimenting with streaming media technologies in the fall of 1995. The company “Interactive Netcasting Systems Inc.” was incorporated in 1998. Originally the acronym INS was used for a few months, but management quickly changed the abbreviation to INSINC after realizing that INS stood for the “Immigration and Naturalization Service” in the United States.
INSINC was acquired by streaming media company NeuLion (TSX: NLN) in late 2009.
This site is dedicated to documenting and preserving the many streaming firsts that INSINC was responsible for in Canada.